Australia is a major exporter

The Agrifood sector thrives on the rich diversity of Australia's fertile landscapes, climates, and cultures. We have an abundance of fresh produce that is prized both domestically and internationally. As a major exporter, Australia is well positioned to respond to contemporary global agrifood opportunities, with strong demand in numerous regions for our products. Australia’s location means we can secure a stable supply of quality products, as well as catering and foodservice supplies. 

Sustainability and food safety is a priority throughout the entire production and transportation process. The agrifood sector also supports our transition towards net zero targets.

Australia has numerous opportunities including:

  • high-value crops: Almonds, Macadamias and Australia’s indigenous plants and fruits. Many show strong export demand.
  • technology and innovation: Precision agriculture is being supported by Australian farmers. We have an early adopter approach. For example, technologies such as robotics and data-driven irrigation, and pest management.
  • value-added products: Strong government focus towards manufacturing and value adding. Investing in operations that process or package fresh produce into higher-margin items is gaining traction.

Australia also boasts a network of free trade agreements that give preferential access to a wide range of global markets.

More buyer information is available in each of the Agrifood sub-sectors below. 

World-class food and wine from Australia

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