Dynamic, sustainable seafood industry

Australia has a dynamic and sustainably managed seafood industry. We make the best use of our pristine marine resources and vast coastal waters. Australia is renowned for our premium-quality seafood products, innovative aquaculture practices, and commitment to environmental stewardship.

The Australian seafood industry offers unparalleled opportunities for those seeking high-value, responsibly sourced seafood products. We operate from estuaries and bays, across the continental shelf to oceanic waters, as far as the eye can see. A wide range of species are caught and exported. This includes scallops, prawns, sea urchins and squid, coastal fish such as whiting and flathead, reef fish such as coral trout and oceanic Patagonian toothfish, tuna and billfish. Fisheries production focuses on high-value export species such as rock lobsters, prawns, tuna, salmon, and abalone. Australia is one of the world’s leading producers of wild-caught abalone and rock lobster.

We have diverse marine ecosystems, strict fisheries management policies, and state-of-the-art aquaculture facilities. This combines to create an environment conducive to the production of premium-grade seafood.

Australia's primary commercial exports of seafood concentrated in: Rock Lobster; Atlantic Salmon; Tuna; Abalone; Patagonian Toothfish (Chilean Seabass); Yellowtail Kingfish (Hiramasa); Shrimps and Prawns; as well as oyster, sea cucumber, crabs, scallops, and mussels.

We are recognised for our rigorous fisheries management practices. This ensures the sustainability of fish stocks and the long-term health of marine ecosystems. Fisheries are managed through quotas, size limits, and seasonal closures. This reduces the risk of overfishing and preserving biodiversity.

From catch to plate

We place a strong emphasis on traceability and transparency in the seafood supply chain. The origin of our seafood products can be traced from catch to plate. Our comprehensive documentation and labelling provide information on species, fishing methods, and location of harvests.

Certifications and assurance

International buyers and consumers can be assured of the sustainability, environmental and social responsibility of Australian seafood products and fishing practices. Australian seafood producers often hold certifications and accreditations from the Marine Stewardship Council, and Aquaculture Stewardship Council.

How we can help

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Australia's seafood sustainability

Australia’s fisheries sustainability is actively managed by the sector, This is undertaken within the framework set and administered by the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) and its counterparts around Australia. AFMA is responsible for the efficient management and sustainable use of Commonwealth fish resources on behalf of the Australian community. Australia’s Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) takes a leading role in planning and investment in fisheries research and development. This supports the ongoing sustainability of our aquatic sectors and ecosystems.


Seafood industry

Fishing zone

The world’s third largest fishing zone, with a coastline spanning approximately 60,000km, spread over a jurisdiction of 14 million square km.

Marine environment

Includes the world’s 5 ocean climate zones: equatorial, tropical, sub-tropical, temperate, subpolar, and polar.