The Australian Critical Minerals Prospectus is now produced as an online interactive map. View key geological, financial and technical data for each project. The Prospectus helps facilitate critical minerals investment. The projects have significant potential to address production shortfalls. They also help build supply chain security, and deliver on a net zero future.

Read more about critical mineralsthe Prospectuswhy Australia and Australian Government support.

The Prospectus – interactive map

Best viewed on desktop in full-screen mode. For tablet or mobile, choose portrait view (top right corner of Prospectus window) or rotate your device to landscape.

  • Hover over the map pins to see a brief summary of each project.
  • Click on a map pin to populate the key information for each project.
  • Click on ‘open filters’ to search by one or multiple company(ies), project name(s), state(s)/territory(ies), project status, and critical mineral(s).
    • To select multiple filters: hold the control key on your keyboard whilst making a selection.
    • Click on the X to close the filters.
    • Click on the eraser to reset all filters to default (no selection).
  • To visit a company’s website: click on the globe next to the company name.

  • Use your internet browser’s print function to save as a PDF or send to a printer.
  • Portrait view will produce the best results.
  • Ensure that background graphics are selected in the print dialogue.