Invest in Australia

Practical advice for foreign investors

Investing in the Australian market

Austrade is Australia’s national investment promotion agency. We attract and facilitate foreign direct investment into Australia across many key sectors.

Our team of business and investment specialists and trade advisers can connect investors to early-stage opportunities and provide professional assistance. We can connect you with officials and regulators, and have contacts across industry and government, in every state and territory in Australia. Our work supports the delivery of Australia's net zero transformation and a Future Made in Australia.

Technical advice to overseas investors

Investors typically establish a new company, register as a foreign company, or acquire an existing company. Our investment specialists can help investors with things like approvals, taxation, grant applications, visa and immigration, and how to build a business case before coming to Australia.

Investors should also consider:

Investor Guide

This guide can help international investors and businesses explore opportunities to investing and operating in Australia.

Meeting responsible business standards

Austrade is committed to reducing abuses of human rights, modern slavery, money-laundering and bribery in domestic and overseas markets. All organisations operating in Australia or overseas should be aware of and adhere to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. The Guidelines provide principles and standards for responsible business behaviour, consistent with applicable domestic laws. The Guidelines are endorsed and promoted by the Australian Government.