8 August 2023

Korean CCUS Association to conduct CCUS research in Australia

The Korean CCUS Association (K-CCUS) will conduct carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) research in partnership with Australia’s CO2CRC. Korea’s SK E&S and GS E&C are also part of the partnership.

K-CCUS and CO2CRC signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate on CCUS research. The work will take place at CO2CRC’s world-class Otway International Test Centre in Victoria.

Research opportunities include upscaling carbon capture and storage technologies, as well as converting carbon-to-products and direct air capture with large carbon storage.

Partnering on the road to net zero by 2050

Established in 2003, CO2CRC is an Australian institute dedicated to CCUS research. The institute develops and trials next-generation low-emission technologies.

Its Otway International Test Centre allows industry and academia to investigate and address engineering challenges and assess technical performance under operational conditions, before initiating commercial CCUS projects. The facility includes purpose-filled CO2 storage wells, an in-situ CO2 gas field, storage reservoirs and seismic monitoring arrays.

K-CCUS leads Korea’s work to develop and commercialise CCUS technologies. It provides expert analysis and policy advice, technology support and workforce education. It also partners with international organisations.

‘This Memorandum of Understanding recognises K-CCUS as an important partner in advancing breakthrough low-emission technologies assisted through Australia’s International Partnership Program,’ says Dr Matthias Raab, Chief Executive of CO2CRC. ‘It provides an opportunity to jointly prototype, demonstrate and upscale technology breakthroughs.’

Australia has made a firm commitment to transition to net zero by 2050. There is significant potential for investment in renewable energy and technologies that help establish a decarbonised economy. Find out more about Go Green with Australia.

A collection of steel pipes engineered to capture carbon dioxide on a rural property


How Austrade helped

K-CCUS and CO2CRC first met when Austrade arranged meetings between the Director General of the K-CCUS and representatives from CO2CRC. In February 2022, K-CCUS, CO2CRC, Santos and SK E&S signed an MoU at the Australia-Korea Clean Energy Business Roundtable event organised by Austrade. The R&D partnership is a follow-up activity of the MoU.

Austrade has also briefed SK E&S on CCUS business developments and related partnerships in Australia. SK E&S and GS E&C were part of a delegation of Korean and Japanese investors who came to Australia in June 2023 on a trip organised by Austrade. The delegation visited the Otway International Test Centre and Inpex’s Ichthys LNG plant in the Northern Territory.

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