Australia and Japan Powering Ahead on Battery R&D

Japan’s battery manufacturer Panasonic Energy has collaborated with CSIRO to develop nickel laterite processing technologies for lithium-ion batteries.

The partnership aims to recover nickel, an essential raw material in the manufacture of lithium-ion batteries. Panasonic Energy will advance battery innovation by building on their extensive knowledge of materials and manufacturing processes.  It will also leverage CSIRO's expertise in mineral processing, leading research and technological development.

Fostering battery manufacturing supply chain

Australia has the world’s second-largest reserves of the mineral. It has significant lateritic reserves to address the growing global demand for lithium-ion batteries. Panasonic Energy and CSIRO’s partnership will build on Australia’s rich battery minerals capabilities to create a low-cost, low-environmental-impact raw material and supply chain.

They will collaborate to secure high-quality nickel resources to strengthen the global supply chain of battery manufacturing. This will help lay the groundwork for greater use of Australian nickel laterite resources.

The investment aligns with the Australian Government’s National Battery Strategy. It outlines how Australia can help diversify global battery supply chains and details funding initiatives to grow its battery industry.

Four business men in suits sit at a table with two holding signed agreement documents. There are two men standing behind them. Yasushi Naito, Consul-General of Japan in Perth (back row, left), Michael Neimanis, Manager, Critical Minerals Office, Department of Industry, Science and Resources, Australian Government (back row, right), Dr. Shoichiro Watanabe, CTO of Panasonic Energy (front row, center left), and Dr. Robert Hough, Director CSIRO, Mineral Resources (front row, center right)

How Austrade helped

In 2018, Austrade and CSIRO co-hosted the Australia-Japan Battery Research and Industries Engagement program. Since then, Austrade has been providing ongoing support for Panasonic Energy and CSIRO to explore collaboration opportunities. The Australia-Japan Critical Minerals Partnership also provides a favorable investment environment to further support the project.

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