Innovate, evaluate, expand

Australia is at the forefront of producing and trialling cutting-edge therapeutics. The industry is backed by a robust regulatory framework and bench to bedside innovation ecosystem, allowing businesses to do it all in Australia.


Australia is at the forefront of producing and trialling cutting-edge therapeutics. The industry is backed by a robust regulatory framework and bench to bedside innovation ecosystem, allowing businesses to do it all in Australia.


The Australian life science industry has developed a critical mass over the past decade. It has grown by 40% since 2021 and has a market capitalisation of A$250 billion.

Benefits of doing business in Australia's life science sector include:

  • exceptional health and medical research expertise
  • bench-to-bedside innovation ecosystem
  • world-class clinical trial capabilities
  • government support including tax incentives
  • reputation for quality data, robust regulation and intellectual property protection
  • proximity and strong business links to the Asia Pacific.

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