19 October 2023

Australia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (AI-ECTA): Critical Minerals

The Australia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (AI-ECTA) provides new market access opportunities for Australian and Indian businesses and consumers. Under the AI-ECTA, India will remove tariffs on 90% of Australian goods exports to India and reduce high tariffs on other products.

Australia's critical minerals

Learn about Australia's energy and resources. Understand how AI-ECTA has made these resources more accessible to the Indian market.

More about AI-ECTA on the Austrade website.

Flags of India and Australia on a desk

Access to critical minerals

Australia and India have a natural partnership of shared mutual strategic and economic priorities. The (AI-ECTA) came into force on 29 December 2022. It removed tariffs for most Australian critical minerals and offers India improved access to the world's leading supplier of these resources.

Australia's unique benefits

Australia has a rich geological endowment and track record as a reliable exporter of energy and resources. It has a pivotal role in supplying processed minerals the world needs to build a clean energy future.

Australia is world-leading mining country providing potential investors and buyers a stable business environment. It also offers benefits that include:

  • transparent regulatory frameworks
  • a government committed to supporting critical minerals projects.
  • a secure supply of resources with an unrivalled critical minerals endowment
  • a highly skilled workforce
  • world-class innovation and research
  • research and a world-leading approach to environmental social governance

For India, Australia is an obvious partner of choice.

Do business with Australia

Invest in the Australian market - buy from Australian suppliers.

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