Exporting from Australia

The Australian Government provides assistance to businesses considering and engaged in export-oriented activities.

Australia offers a developed economy with easy access to Asia-Pacific markets for exporters. The Australian Government provides assistance to businesses considering and engaged in export-oriented activities.

Assistance is available to businesses of different sizes and maturity and across all industry sectors. Further information on the types of grants, financing, and other support available to exist exporters is provided below.

General export assistance

Austrade provides assistance to Australian companies who are ready to export to overseas markets. This assistance includes advice on doing business in international markets, help with international market selection, and identification of relevant international contacts.

For export assistance go to Austrade programs and services or Australian Exporters on the Austrade corporate site.

Export Market Development Grants

The Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) scheme, administered by Austrade, provides financial assistance for aspiring and current exporters. The scheme supports a wide range of industries and products, including inbound tourism and the export of intellectual property and know-how. It provides grants and reimburses eligible small and medium businesses for export promotion expenses.

For further information, see Export Market Development Grants.

Export finance and support

Export Finance Australia (EFA) provides finance support to assist Australian exporters overcome financial barriers when expanding their business overseas.

EFA is the Australian Government's export credit agency. They help businesses win, finance and protect export trade or overseas investments.

They work directly with exporters and their banks to provide loans, guarantees, bonds and insurance products that can be tailored to meet the needs of the exporter.

For further information, see Export Finance Australia.