Approval for foreign investment in Australia

Ensuring your proposal meets investment criteria.

Australia is open, prosperous and talented. We welcome investment into our economy. Major investments may require government approval. This means some proposals will be subject to foreign investment review.

Screening process

The Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) reviews foreign investment proposals on a case-by-case basis. This is to ensure the proposed investment does not compromise Australia's national interests or security. The FIRB provides advice to the Australian Treasurer, who takes final decisions. Visit the FIRB for more.

Guidance about foreign investment

The FIRB issues guidance about foreign investment in Australia, including:

  • who needs approval
  • how proposals are assessed
  • monetary thresholds that trigger a FIRB review
  • compliance obligations for foreign investors
  • how to apply.

Potential investors should gain an understanding of Australia’s investment rules. They also need to abide by all relevant laws, requirements and decisions.

Contact a specialist

Austrade specialists can answer your questions on investing and finding opportunities in the Australian market.